Dealer Stories

Fourth Grade Visits and Funding The Future

If at least one kid learned they can work for a better future, then we say this whole project is a massive success. Fantastic work, Gettel!
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Fourth Grade Visits and Funding The Future

Gettel Automotive Group

The Gettel Automotive Group is celebrating its tenth year serving its community through Project TEACH (Teach Everyone About Career Horizons). 👩‍🏫

📚 By partnering with the Manatee Chamber of Commerce and the Manatee country school district, the people of the Gettel Group have given their time and money to support students on their way to greatness. 👏

👨‍💼 This year, the group sent 10 volunteers to visit with 4th graders and discuss their work. For many students, it is their first time meeting and hearing from people in the business world, let alone the automotive industry. 👧

Gettel Automotive Group

💰While the personal touch of in-classroom visits is excellent, Gettel is a pro at putting their money where their mouth is. A $25K donation to Take Stock in Children was matched by Toyota for a total donation of $50K! The money will bring education opportunities to at-risk students.

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