More Than Cars Moments

Grunge Music and Used Cars

All Things Used Cars gets grungy. 🎸
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Grunge Music and Used Cars

Required listening: A grunge mini-playlist by the ASOTU Team.

Last week on David Long's All Things Used Cars, guest George Magda, The Director of Client Strategy, Sales, and Enablement at Cox Automotive, shared an exciting thesis and invited the community to discuss it.

The Used Car business is a lot like Grunge Music.

We know we were a bit skeptical at first, too, but David, George, and the assembled voices had some interesting things to say, and we grabbed a few to share.

People can tell when you're faking it. In grunge music, people want it loud, raw, real, unfiltered. The artist's willingness to be deeply personal and vulnerable first invites listeners to follow suit.

In the same way, your used inventory should reflect your honest awareness of your market's needs. You won't connect with your fans by writing songs for some other artist.

The right songs need the right band and instruments. Setting an authentic tone through your inventory will call into question other aspects of the business that may need adjustments to properly support the relationship between your team and your fans. Nothing is worth doing because it worked last year; likewise, nothing is worth doing just because it is new. A consistent, honest evaluation is how you churn out the hits.

Keep up with what you've created. Many of the big names in grunge are not only hit-makers but the actual pioneers who brought the genre to life. Even they evolved with time.

What was a hit last year may not land this year. The only way to keep up with the taste of fans is to either:

  1. Make the taste yourself and trust the audience will come.
  2. Check-in with your fans every day between last year and today.

Our unrequested advice as music fans: do both.

Check out the full replay of David Long’s All Things Used Cars on Clubhouse. Be sure to join the room so you don’t miss future conversations.

Also, check out George’s original LinkedIn post that inspired the topic for last week’s discussion.

Check out more!

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