Dealer Stories

John’s New Ride

Treating people well has to start inside if it will make its way outside. Based on this story, we trust every member of Flow’s community knows who they are and what they’re about.
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John’s New Ride

With a little limp left over from his recent encounter with an 18-wheeler, Flow Automotive's John Monopoli walked to take a better look at his new BMW X5.

Joe Diggs shared on LinkedIn that it has been less than a week between the accident and handing John the keys to his new ride.

The Flow crew and their leader, Shawn Ayers, celebrated John's safe return and shared that they felt a cash donation wouldn't adequately express their gratitude for him as part of their team and family.

Flow Automotive

"You gotta work overtime now," somebody at the event jested.

But, John has other plans: "I'm going to Disney!"  

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