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Lookin’ Into Bookin’

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Lookin’ Into Bookin’

David Long and the All Things Used Cars community spoke about appraisal volume, 'look to book' ratios, and the potential pitfalls and profits hidden under the hood. 

You can listen to the reply on Clubhouse or check out our quick notes below. 

  1. 🔭 Watch the Dials: Keeping a steady eye on 'look to book' ratios and appraisal volumes can help rev up improvements, as what gets measured gets managed.
  2. 👑 Buyer Power: The consensus agrees that the engine of profit runs on the buyer's decision-making process. Handle with care!
  3. 🐜 No Trade-In Too Small: The team urges not to let the 'look to book' percentages put a brake on chasing appraisals. 
  4. 👉 Lead the Way: Track each lead source separately. Not all roads (or leads) are created equal!
  5. 💎 Appraisal for All: Everyone who walks into the dealership is an opportunity for an appraisal. Maximize these opportunities for trade-ins and sales!
  6. 🔊 Chase the Volume: Put the pedal to the metal on appraisal volumes, 'look to book' ratios notwithstanding.
  7. 🏆 Trade-In Triumph: Rev up the number of deals that include a trade-in appraisal. Keep your sales staff from waving the caution flag on trade-ins!
  8. 💻 Data Driven: Stay in the fast lane by continually monitoring and analyzing your metrics. Feel free to switch gears based on your insights.
  9. 🎙️ Team Talk: Keep the conversation flowing in your team for a well-oiled machine of continuous improvement.
  10. ⚖️ Strike a Balance: Put your foot down on appraisal volume and 'look to book' ratios, but don't let the latter pump the brakes on appraisal pursuits.

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