Dealer Stories

Maximizing Market Share

The art of marketing requires a delicate balance between research, finesse, and implementation. Crafting a consistent and exceptional experience can turn buyers into loyal customers. 🤝
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Maximizing Market Share

From precision merchandising tactics to pricing finesse, last week’s All Things Used Cars provided a solid roadmap to capturing more market share with marketing. Boost your customer engagement online and in-person by considering:

🗺️ Strategy – 

  • Ensure media strategies are aligned with business goals.
  • Craft advertising messages that answer "Why buy?", "Why buy now?", and "Why buy from me?".
  • Determine a marketing strategy for cars with no leads and less attention.
  • Evaluate your marketing channels regularly for efficacy and inefficiencies. 

📃 Listings – 

  • Write compelling descriptions with keyword descriptors for better search-ability.
  • Maximize the number of photos allowed per listing and order them strategically. For example: most appealing pictures first that showcase best features and include a variety of interior and exterior shots.
  • Keep quality inventory photos that are consistent and updated regularly.
  • Flat pricing/price rounding to capture the most relevant buyers.

🔎 Merchandising – 

  • Focus on engaging merchandising and syndications for an improved customer experience.
  • Pay attention to details, especially cleanliness, easy of use, and organization.

💻 Digital Audits – 

  • Double-check (or even better, triple-check) all relevant links and listings for accuracy (404 errors, pricing discrepancies, typos).
  • Establish a process for staff to report and correct issues promptly.

🤗 Trust – 

  • Use brand imagery and visual elements to demonstrate your dealership's quality and attention to detail across all digital channels.
  • Provide clarity to your team and define standard operating procedures to build consistency and trust with customers.

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