Dealer Stories

Praise Where Praise Is Due

Give so hard that people wonder when you have time to sell cars. That’s loving people more than you love cars, if we’ve ever seen it!
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Praise Where Praise Is Due

Rita Case, President and CEO of Rick Case Automotive Group was honored at the 16th annual Women In Distress Starfish Luncheon. The event raised over $260K for the non-profit, which will go to providing free, confidential, and multi-lingual services to families overcoming domestic violence.

Rita was honored for her charitable work with WID and other philanthropic causes; work that she and her husband, Rick Case, made a constant part of the business.

Downtown Photo

Boys & Girls Clubs, scholarship funds, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Humane Society, food security groups, and many other non-profits are better off thanks to Rita and the Rick Case Automotive team's work.

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