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ASOTU CON takeaways. 💡
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David Long's All Things Used Cars community spent an hour Friday sharing, connecting, and building on their favorite takeaways from ASOTU CON 2023 last week in Baltimore, MD.

As always, those in attendance were generous with their insights, so the below list is just some easy-to-grasp highlights. The full episode is worth a listen on Clubhouse.

📻 Tune into Experience: Whether it's your customer or new hire, focus on the whole experience. Remember, there's a difference between mere orientation and comprehensive onboarding.

🛡 Guard Your Culture: Your workplace culture isn't just an afterthought—it's the heartbeat of your business. Nurture it, protect it fiercely, and ensure it aligns with your company's values.

📐 The Margin Game: Understand where the profit really comes from. Whether you're a dealer or a manufacturer, know your margins and where you can leverage them.

🎓 Don't Skimp on Training: Whether it's cross-departmental learning or honing appraisal processes, investing in training and development pays off in dividends.

🌱 Chase Growth, Not Stereotypes: Size and location don't dictate success. Any business can grow with the right communication, appreciation, and strategies.

🍌 5 E's to Live By: From experiencing your brand from the customer's shoes to empowering your team to innovate, remember to Experience it with the customer, Entertain always, Experiment constantly, Engage consistently, and Empower your team to do the same.

🦚 Dare to Stand Out: In a world of templates, be the custom design. Challenge traditional methods, be different, and always ask, "What if?".

🦁 Embrace Failure, Innovate Fearlessly: Drawing inspiration from history's greatest minds, remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to success. Be bold, take risks, and don't be afraid to experiment.

🧹 Cleanliness & Certification Count: Whether maintaining your physical space or ensuring your team's education, the little details matter and can set you apart from the competition.

📞 Engage, Share, and Discuss: Whether it's an industry event or a team meeting, encourage sharing insights, takeaways, and questions. Collective growth is faster than individual strides.

What did we miss? Do you have a takeaway from ASOTU CON? Do you have a reply to something shared on All Things Used Cars last week? Do you simply have a message you'd like us to give David Long? Message us and let us know!

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