Dealer Stories

Sweat and Slurpees With Findlay

Last day of the month — Time to be sure all the important things are done.
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Sweat and Slurpees With Findlay

At the time of writing, it is 10 am and 91 degrees in Henderson, Nevada, where Findlay Volkswagen operates. (it's hot, y'all) 🥵

About a week ago, the team at Findlay learned of a neighbor struggling with the hardships of cancer. Six leaders went to the neighbor's house to help care for her yard, which she was unable to financially or physically do for herself. 

On the last day of August, in a mix of love, sweat, and slurpees, Melisa Eichbauer and her team met a need about as far from selling cars as you can get, but still right on point for a dealership’s service to their community.

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