
Ukrainian Determination on Display

What does it say about a nation's spirit when its factory workers start working overtime in warzone conditions? #respect
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Ukrainian Determination on Display

When was the last time you had a fire drill at work? Everyone has to drop what they are working on, shuffle outside, avoid the cloud following the smokers, make your way back inside, and realize you've forgotten what you were doing. Now imagine adding one little thing: rockets. 

Trading a break room for a bunker. Workers at the Leoni wire harness plants in Ukraine are made of special stuff. Under Russian rocket attacks, they have continued to produce wire harnesses. OEMs like VW and Ford use the parts made at the plants to construct vehicles. 

If simply showing up to work in an active war zone was not impressive enough, they recently announced adding a night shift. The additional shift will increase their production to 70% of pre-invasion capacity.

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