What We're Reading

Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

We're diving into Will Guidara's book, "Unreasonable Hospitality," to pull out actionable insights that you can use at your dealership every day.
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Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

Ever wonder how you can turn car buying or servicing from a chore into a positive and memorable experience for your customers? That's where unreasonable hospitality comes in!

Unreasonable Hospitality in a Nutshell

According to author Will Guidara, "unreasonable hospitality" isn't about being reckless or impractical. It's about pushing beyond the "norm" of good service to create truly memorable and delightful experiences for your customers.

In his own words: “Genuinely engaging with the person you’re serving so you can make an authentic connection—that’s hospitality.”

Think of it like this:

🙂 Good Service = Meeting someone's needs efficiently and professionally.

🤯 Unreasonable Hospitality = Going above and beyond, anticipating needs, exceeding expectations, and showering others with sincere care and consideration.

We’ll be working through Will’s book for a few weeks to reveal some powerful tips and tactics that can easily be translated to auto. Here are some key aspects that we’ll unpack:

Intentionality — Being deliberate and thoughtful, going beyond routine actions.

Personalization — Understanding individual needs and tailoring experiences accordingly.

Surprise and delight — Offering unexpected things that spark joy and positivity.

Genuine connection — Building relationships that go beyond the transaction.

Emotional impact — Creating a lasting positive impression that resonates with customers.

What are some ways that your dealership exemplifies “unreasonable hospitality”? Hit reply and let us know!

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