Denis Gjoni

Denis Gjoni

Denis Gjoni, CEO of Tollaid, is a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for leveraging the power of technology to simplify and innovate the enterprise tolling and automotive business. With a background in technology and cloud solutions, Denis Gjoni recognized an unmet need in the market while living in the DFW metroplex surrounded by toll roads. Driven by a desire to address toll management challenges faced by dealerships and rental car agencies, Denis Gjoni embarked on a journey to create Tollaid, a revolutionary platform that brings transparency, accountability, and efficiency to toll management processes. Understanding that toll management was not the core business for dealerships and rental car agencies, Denis Gjoni saw an opportunity to create a solution that would ease their burden and positively impact their bottom line. With a customer-centric approach from the very beginning, Denis Gjoni engaged with dealership managers and service directors to understand their pain points firsthand. The result was a comprehensive platform that simplified toll management, recovered tolls efficiently, and provided up-to-date information on demand, relieving the accounting department from the complexities of toll reconciliation. Tollaid's success goes beyond toll recovery, as the platform's capabilities expanded to address additional challenges faced by dealerships and rental car agencies. From streamlining loaner management operations to detecting potential customer issues like credit card fraud and payment capabilities, Tollaid's impact extended across various aspects of the automotive and tolling industry.

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