Michael Himes, Master Service Technician, Two Rivers Ford

July 21, 2023
ASOTU was on the ground with Michael Himes at Two Rivers Ford.
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Michael Himes is the Master Service Technician at Two Rivers Ford.

Kyle Mountsier: 0:06Alright, I'm standing here in the service bay of tour Ford's with Michael,master service technician.Michael, tell me first, how long have you been in the industry at this point? 30 years. All right.And you You did you dream of being a technician growing up or no?

Michael Himes: 0:20

Well, I always like to work on stuff. So

Kyle Mountsier: 0:23

yeah. Cool. So So when, as you've grown, like getting the master technician is no easy feat. What? What did that process like? How long did that take you to get to that point in your career?

Michael Himes: 0:35

About? Probably eight years?

Kyle Mountsier: 0:38

Yeah. And so as you like, past that eight years,you've been doing this 22 years as a master technician? What are you learning now that you would have never expected to learn 22years ago? It's getting harder.What in particular,

Michael Himes: 0:52

it's more complex now. Yeah.

Kyle Mountsier: 0:54

Are you also working on EVs? Are you doing mainly just ice I suppose a hybrid? So

Michael Himes: 1:01

I do. I don't do EVs in general. But I do hybrids.

Kyle Mountsier: 1:05

Very cool. So when you are talking to like younger generations or newer Tech's coming up? What's the biggest encouragement that you're giving them right now?

Michael Himes: 1:13

Get as much education as you can? That's,that's right. Because do it the hard way? Because if you learn to do it the hard way, in all comes a little easier in the long run.

Kyle Mountsier: 1:22

Right? Cool.What are you looking forward to in the next couple of three years in your career?

Michael Himes: 1:27

Just working.

Kyle Mountsier: 1:29

I love that. You know what? That's like, that's an under valued thing. In our in our culture today and just working. There's so many technicians that are just working, putting in the work to keep people safe. Well, Michael,thanks for spending a minute with us and congratulations.Thank you for listening to in the dirt with a soda. We love the automotive industry and the people who make it run day in and day out. We would love to connect with you more through our daily dose of fun, a free email that you can sign up for at a soda.com That's a s o t u.com. We put our heart and soul into it every day. Thanks again for listening. Join us next time for more Conversations in the dirt with a soda

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