
Digital Developments

Netflix and chill on sharing your password. Shutterstock scores gifs for cheap. ChatGPT and Bing are getting pretty serious.
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Digital Developments

Netflix finally brought the hammer down on password-sharing, implementing a long-awaited ban preventing US users from sharing their accounts with non-household members.

This move by Netflix reflects a strategic response to last year's subscriber loss and the pursuit of additional revenue, making it one of the first major streaming services to address the issue of password sharing.

(Don’t click here for possible workarounds.)

😵💸📸 Shutterstock got the steal of the week after Meta was forced to sell Giphy at a loss of…*checks paper*…

$262M!? What, HOW?

After facing a prolonged legal battle with UK antitrust watchdogs, The Network Formerly Known as Facebook was forced to sell to the stock image service for a measly $53M when they’d paid $315M for the platform just three years prior.

Shutterstock is really making out since the deal will also grant them access to Giphy’s 1.7B daily users and global partners which includes big players like TikTok, Twitter, Discord, and even, you guessed it, Meta’s Instagram and Facebook.

🤖❤️🤖 OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft, announced this week the integration of Bing into ChatGPT. You know, because Bing AI has been going so well.

The merge will allow ChatGPT to provide real-time information to users utilizing the search engine, expanding its capabilities beyond retrieving data until only 2021.

While initially only available to premium ChatGPT Plus subscribers, the Bing feature is expected to eventually be accessible in the free version.

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